
July 4.jpg


  • 每周五(上午8点.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
  • 可用的服务包括:
    • Admissions
    • Advising
    • Business Office
    • Financial Aid
    • Records
    • Testing
  • 记住,对于周五的咨询服务:
    • 会议时间不超过15分钟
    • Advising staff assist students on a first-come first-serve basis
    • 强烈建议您遵循 Pre-advising清单 在加入建议突破之前 


Upcoming Events

  • 7月4日星期三独立日假期(学校放假)
  • 2024年7月11日,星期四: 付款的最后期限 (Summer 2024)
Drop-in咨询时间表与Zoom Link

Drop-in advising is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. When visiting the department without an appointment, you can expect extended wait times. We would like for you to have the best possible advising experience so, 为了您的方便, 考虑虚拟拜访. 


DAY 虚拟来访者 校内偶遇*
TUES 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
TUES 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. N/A
FRI 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. N/A
FRI 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. N/A
* 校园内的接送点位于 穆迪学习中心(MLC) 在底层. 


  • Receive brief (≤ 15 mins) 建议指导 
  • 寻求一般性问题的帮助
  • Review 登记销 tasks 
  • 确定支持你在学校取得成功的资源
  • Complete Change of Major and 原就读院校变更 requests


NOTE: Transient (visiting) students are able to meet with advisors through in-person and virtual (Zoom) drop-ins only
  • 5月12日至6月29日:
    • Advising appointments available through Navigate in ACES. 
    • 所有学生都将接受旁听辅导.
  • 接受30-45分钟的指导 指定的顾问
  • 新入学的SAC学生,将由 census day 他们在学校的第一个学期, can begin scheduling appointments after attending a general advising session. 
  • Visit 建议操作指南 学习如何安排约会
  • 寻求帮助 Dismissal petitions, Financial Aid appeals, and Graduation applications
  • Review your 个人成功计划(ISP)
  • Complete advising before submitting 3-peat/27-hour Tuition Appeal
  • 学习如何申请 当然过载
  • Contact the Advising Office if your assigned advisor's schedule does not appear in Navigate 
*访问ACES的“我的页面”查看“我的顾问” & contact your advising institute if you do not have an assigned advisor:
Important Dates & 付款的最后期限
NOTE: Registration before an upcoming deadline requires payment in full or, to avoid being dropped on the payment deadline, you should consider establishing a Payment Plan  


  • 2024年夏季付款截止日期(下午7:30.M.)
    • May 9, 2024
    • May 16, 2024
    • May 30, 2024
    • June 6, 2024
    • June 13, 2024
    • June 20, 2024
    • July 11, 2024
  • 大学闭包 & DEADLINES:
    • 2024年5月22日:毕业典礼
    • 2024年6月19日:美国国庆日
    • 2024年7月4日:独立日假期
    • 2024年7月31日:提交截止日期 原就读院校变更 (Fall 2024)
    • 2024年9月2日:劳动节
    • October 18, 2024: Student Success Division Retreat (TENTATIVE)
    • October 25, 2024: Employee Development Day (TENTATIVE)
    • November 28 -  December 1, 2024: Thanksgiving Weekend
    • 2024年11月30日:提交截止日期 原就读院校变更 (Spring 2025)
    • 2024年12月19日- 2025年1月1日:寒假
    • 2025年1月20日:马丁·路德·金纪念日
    • February 28, 2025: SAC Scores (Limited in-person advising services only)
    • 2025年3月17日至23日:春假
    • 2025年3月31日:塞萨尔·查韦斯假日
    • 2025年4月18日至20日:复活节
    • 2025年4月30日:提交截止日期 原就读院校变更 (Summer 2025)
    • 2025年5月2日:节日假期

注册信息 & Course Details
  • Learn how to 注册课程
    • 选择你的Term.g. Fall 2024
    • Remember, Wintermester is part of the spring term and Maymester is part of the summer term.
    • Consider registering for the entire academic year at once using 全学年注册(FAYR)
    • Here is a helpful video on how to register for courses

    • If you need to withdraw from a course, watch the video below:

Satisfactory Academic Progress (Financial Aid Appeal)


  • Fall 2024: 2024年5月1日- 6月27日(晚上11:59前.m.)
  • Spring 2025: 2024年9月9日- 11月4日(晚上11:59前.m.)
  • Summer 2025: 无上诉程序

Complete your SAP Appeal

  • 观看这个简短的教程:

  • Update your GPS degree plan in ACES
  • Make your SAP appointment in Navigate or visit Advising in 穆迪学习中心(MLC) ground floor to schedule your session 
  • 在ACES中填写你的上诉理由 Writing Center 为了帮助你准备理由)
    • 登录到澳门新葡京博彩ACES门户网站
    • 选择“学生”选项卡
    • 选择“Web服务”链接
    • 选择“经济资助”连结
    • Select “Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement” link
    • Complete the 3 required statements for the online Appeal form
      • 停职原因
      • Action Plan
      • 教育目标
  • Submit supporting documentation to the Financial Aid office within seven (7) days

Students completing SAP appeals must be current SAC students:

  • If you are not a SAC student, contact your home school’s 建议部门
  • If you have not taken classes for more than a year, ask for help at our SAC欢迎中心
  • Review the 登记清单 and contact our Welcome Center 如需额外协助.

  • Refer to your Alamo GPS, found in ACES,回顾你的学位跟踪工具:

    • SAC Degree Plans allow you to view the courses you need to advance in your selected SAC program of study 
    • 转学建议指南(TAG) identify courses that apply to your SAC program and the University major at your identified transfer school
  • 访问(临时)学生, 这学期在SAC上课, can receive assistance from Certified Advisors by e-mail, telephone, 以及通过Zoom提供的上门服务.

Contact your assigned advisor 如需额外协助. Visit ACES "My Page" for the name and e-mail of your assigned advisor. If you do not have an assigned advisor, contact your advising institute:


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